Explore a proven, long-term stress management solution with breathwork. Elevate your wellness with us. Contact at 904-495-4876. 



A Mission to Transform Lives in 2024 and Beyond

In 2024, I’m on a transformative mission to empower 1,000 individuals worldwide through the profound practice of Breathwork. This is not just about teaching a technique—it's about igniting a movement. A collective exhale that fosters inner peace, resilience, and boundless joy in a world that needs it more than ever.

Hello, I’m Michelle Ouimet!

Born and raised in the vibrant city of Montreal, my life has been a tapestry woven with competitive athleticism, over three decades of teaching yoga and meditation, and a deep passion for the mind-body connection. My path was shaped by challenges and triumphs in the world of sports, leading me to uncover the power of Breathwork—a discovery that has redefined my purpose and ignited a burning desire to share this gift with the world.

From Athlete to Breathwork Facilitator: My Transformative Journey

As an athlete, I faced injuries and setbacks that could have ended my pursuit of excellence. Instead, they became the catalyst for my evolution. Through Breathwork, I found a way not just to heal but to elevate my performance, clarity, and inner peace. This journey wasn’t just a personal transformation—it was a global necessity, especially amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic.

Guiding Others with the Wisdom of a Mother’s Heart

As a mother who has guided my twin sons to the heights of Olympic-level skiing and now a grandmother to two precious newborns, I bring a unique perspective to Breathwork facilitation. I understand the grit, determination, and mental fortitude required to excel—whether on the slopes, in the arena, or in the everyday challenges of life. This insight allows me to connect deeply with athletes, particularly equestrians, helping them forge unbreakable bonds with themselves and, in the case of equestrians, with their horses.

Unlocking Peak Performance and Inner Peace Through Breathwork

Breathwork is more than just a practice; it’s a gateway to unlocking the full potential of the mind and body. My approach combines the wisdom of ancient practices with cutting-edge neuroscience, creating a powerful synergy that elevates performance and fosters deep well-being. Whether you’re aiming for gold medals or seeking to excel in other areas of life, Breathwork offers the mental discipline and focus needed to achieve your goals.

A Unique Tapestry of Techniques Tailored Just for You

My sessions are a harmonious blend of various Breathwork styles—Wim Hof, Shamanic, Rebirthing, Hylotropic, Rhythmic, and Pranayama—all intricately woven with my background as a Kundalini Yoga & Pranayama Breathwork Instructor and Somatic Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator. This unique tapestry allows me to create personalized, transformative experiences tailored to your individual journey.

The Neuroscience of Transformation: Breathing with Rhythm

In my sessions, music isn’t just an accompaniment—it’s an essential element of the experience. By harnessing the power of neuroscience, I carefully select music that synchronizes with your neural rhythms, influencing your emotions, mood, and breath pace. This powerful combination activates key areas of the brain associated with memory, emotional regulation, and the autonomic nervous system, amplifying the transformative potential of Breathwork.

Join Me on This Transformative Journey

Ready to begin your own journey of transformation? Let’s connect and explore how Breathwork can elevate your life. Contact me today to schedule your first session and unlock new realms of self-discovery, resilience, and well-being.

Qualifications & Certifications

  • Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator (certified by Pause Breathwork)
  • Kundalini Yoga & Pranayama Breathwork Instructor (certified by Yogi Bhajan)
  • Luminious Birth Academy, Fertility & Pre-Procreation (certified by Victoria Rose) 
  • Brain Aerobics and Longevity Specialist (certified by Dr. Dharma S. Khalsa of The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation)
  • Breathwork for Equestrians (certified by Pause Trauma-Informed Breathwork/Pranayama Breathwork Kundalini Instructor)
  • Soul Animal Intuitive Communicator (compilation of intuitive gifts as a child)
  • Breathwork and Guided Meditation for Kids (certified by Kamini Desai, PhD)
  • Neuroscience Guided Meditation (certified Advanced Yoga Nidra by Kamini Desai, PhD)
  • Yoga Therapy 11 Certification (in progress by Kamini Desai, PhD)
  • Chair Yoga (certified by Lakshmi Voelker)
  • Cardiac and Cancer Coach (certified by Nischala Joy Devi/Dr. Dean Ornish)
  • Life and Transition Coach (certified by Eben Pagan and Annie Lalla)
  • Kripalu Yoga and I AM Yoga (certified by Amrit Desai)
  • 26&2 Hot Yoga (certified by Bikram Choudhury)
  • End-of-Life Transition Coach (certified by Tarron Estes of The Conscious Dying Institute)
  • Confident Healer Academy (3-year program by Yulia Azriel)
  • Hospice and Geriatric Care (non-medical)
  • Environmental Design (certified by The American Feng Shui Institute

Let's Connect!

Whether you have questions, want to learn more about our services, or simply seek guidance on your path to better health, we invite you to reach out to us. Your journey to a healthier, more balanced life starts with a single step—getting in touch.

Michelle L Ouimet

Resilience. Connection. Performance.